Import Utilities

The FMI++ library provides functionality that eases the handling of FMUs. The goal is to facilitate the integration of FMUs into existing simulation environments.

The import package (see here) provides wrappers around the C API defined by the FMI specification. These wrappers are designed such that FMUs can be easily integrated into various popular simulation approaches, e.g., fixed time step or discrete event simulations.

The source code of package import is divided into three sub-packages, base, integrators, and utilities, which focus on different aspects of handling FMUs.


It is worth noting that the import package in default configuration (i.e., not using SUNDIALS, see below) has no dependencies on other libraries at run-time, since its external dependencies are solely header-only Boost packages. This eases the integration of the compiled library within other simulation environments.

Base functionality

The subpackage base (see here) comprises generic wrappers that ease basic manipulations of FMUs. The functionality provided here has a certain overlap with what other FMI-related libraries offer (such as the FMI Library), but follows in contrast an object-oriented approach.

Class hierarchy

Class FMUBase (defined in file FMUBase.h) is the base class for all other classes dealing with any type of FMU. It defines the basic functionality needed for the convenient handling of any type of FMU, i.e., convenient getter and setter functions. This allows for instance to set or get values by referring to their names rather than their value reference. Specific functionalities (for ME or CS) are defined in the classes inheriting from FMUBase. Therefore, data access to any type of FMU can be handled in the same way

Class hierarchy of import package.

Model description

The information from the XML model description files is parsed, stored and accessed with the help of class ModelDescription (defined in file ModelDescription.h). Internally, class ModelDescription uses Boost Property Trees for parsing and storing the information from the XML file. This class provides dedicated methods for accessing basic information about an FMU, e.g. getGUID(), getModelIdentifier() or getNumberOfContinuousStates().

More complex information, especially the model variables data structure, can be accessed as objects of type Properties (typedef for boost::PropertyTree::ptree). The namespace ModelDescriptionUtilities (see here) provides several helper functions that ease the handling of these objects, e.g. getAttributes(...), hasChild(...) or hasChildAttributes(...).

This approach is very flexible, allowing for instance to parse an arbitrarily complex vendor annotation. File testModelDescription.cpp contains code examples demonstrating the use of class ModelDescription.

Model manager

At runtime, the model manager is responsible for dynamically loading an FMU’s shared libraries and parsing their XML model descriptions. This utility is implemented as a singleton (class ModelManager, see file ModelManager.h) and loads and parses each model only once during runtime. The information is stored, in case other instances of the same model are instantiated later on. This saves time in cases where simulations include many instances of the same model.

File testModelManager.cpp contains examples demonstrating the use of class ModelManager.

Class FMUModelExchange

The most obvious obstacle for using a bare FMU for Model Exchange is its lack of an integrator. For this reason, the FMI++ library implements the class FMUModelExchange, which provides generic methods for integration. Class FMUModelExchange is implemented several times in different namespaces for different FMI versions. For instance, file FMUModelExchange_v2.h defines a version of class FMUModelExchange in namespace fmi_2_0, which is intended for FMI ME V2.0.

Instances of class FMUModelExchange own the actual FMU instance. They are able to integrate the FMU’s model and advance its state up to a specified point in time, taking care of the proper handling of FMU-internal events (i.e., state events and time events). Since class FMUModelExchange inherits from class FMUBase, it also provides the functionality for convenient input and output handling.

The most important implemented features are:

  • initialize(...) / instantiate(...): These methods are responsible for the instantiation and initialization of the FMU and all corresponding necessary internal actions.

  • integrate(...): Advances the state of the FMU to the specified point in time. If specified at construction time, the integration stops before the first detected FMU-internal event. Otherwise it integrates over any event without further notice. In both cases the integration stop time is returned.

  • raiseEvent() / handleEvents(): These methods are the prerequisite for proper event handling. Whenever an event occurs, be it either a change of external inputs or an update of the internal state, the internal FMU instance has to be notified (via raiseEvent()) and then the necessary actions have to be taken (by calling handleEvents()).

  • rewindTime(...): Event handling may in some cases involve the necessity to reset the internal FMU to a previous state. With this methods, the FMU-internal clock can be set back. This affects only the value of the internal time, but not the internal state of the FMU (which has to be changed via setContinuousState(...), etc.).

File testFMUModelExchange.cpp contains code examples demonstrating the use of class FMUModelExchange.

Class FMUCoSimulation

Class FMUCoSimulation offers a set of convenient methods for accessing and manipulating FMUs for Co-Simulation. Like class FMUModelExchange, it is implemented several times in different namespaces for different FMI versions. For instance, file FMUCoSimulation_v2.h defines a version of class FMUCoSimulation in namespace fmi_2_0, which is intended for FMI CS V2.0.

Class FMUCoSimulation is mostly intended as interface for the utility classes FixedStepSizeFMU and InterpolatingFixedStepSizeFMU (see here).


For the numerical integration of FMUs for Model Exchange, the FMI++ library relies on Boost odeint and SUNDIALS. Both are highly flexible and top performing C++ libraries for numerically solving differential equations. All code related to numerical integration can be found in sub-package integrators (see here).


Since odeint is a header-only template library, it imposes no further dependencies at runtime on FMI++. In contrast, when building FMI++ with SUNDIALS support, the corresponding shared libaries need to be installed additionally.

Class Integrator

This class provides the link between the numerical integration routines and the methods of class FMUModelExchange. It is implemented as a functor object, that provides the necessary inputs (i.e. the FMU’s continuous states and the according derivatives) to the integration algorithm. It also updates the internal state of the FMU with the corresponding result.

Class IntegratorStepper

The actual integration algorithms provided by Boost odeint and SUNDIALS are encapsulated in objects inheriting from this class. Currently, the following integrators are supported (compare with struct IntegratorType in file IntegratorType.h):






Recommended usecases


Explicit Euler






4th order Runge-Kutta
















Nonstiff Models






Nonstiff Models






Nonstiff, smooth Models


Bulirsch Stoer




High precision required






Stiff Models


Backward Differentiation Formula




Stiff Models






Nonstiff Models with expensive right hand side

The integrator type can be chosen separately for each instance of type FMUModelExchange at construction time.

Advanced methods

The sub-package utility (see here) offers advanced functionality that eases the handling of FMUs. These functionalities target the integration of FMUs into existing simulation software.

Class IncrementalFMU

Class IncrementalFMU (defined in file IncrementalFMU.h) offers the possibility to combine the basic ability to integrate the state of an FMU for ME with advanced event handling capabilities. It implements a lookahead mechanism, where predictions of the FMU’s state are incrementally computed and stored. In case an event occurs, these predictions are used to interpolate and update the state of the FMU. If no event occurs, the latest prediction can be directly used to update the FMU’s state.

Schematic view of an incremental update.

The figure shows a schematic view of an incremental update. Shown on the left, at time t0 the FMU’s state x is represented by a blue circle. According to this state, several predictions (blue dots) up to the time t + dt are computed and stored, with dt referred to as lookahead horizon. In the current implementation, the time steps between these internal predictions are constant and have to be specified at instantiation time. Next, depicted in the middle, an (external) event occurs at time t1. Since the exact time of the event does in general not coincide with one of the predictions, the state at that time is interpolated using the available predictions, depicted by the red dot. Finally, shown on the right, this interpolated prediction is used to update the actual state of the FMU, depicted by a red circle, and the old predictions are discarded. It is important to note that the actual state of the FMU is not changed when the predictions are calculated. This is only done during the next update.

The most important methods of class IncrementalFMU are:

  • updateState(...): Updates the state of the FMU to the specified time, i.e., it changes the actual state using the previous state prediction(s). The specified time must not be further ahead than the lookahead horizon.

  • syncState(...): Set all input corresponding to the specified time. Should be called directly after updateState(...).

  • predictState(...): Compute the state predictions according to the current inputs.

  • sync(...): This method executes updateState(...): syncState(...) and predictState(...) in one go.

  • defineRealInputs(...), defineIntegerInputs(...), …: Define the inputs used for synchronization via syncState(...) or sync(...).

  • defineRealOutputs(...), defineIntegerOutputs(…)``, …: Define the outputs to be retrieved after synchronization via syncState(...) or sync(...).

  • getRealOutputs(...), getIntegerOutputs(...), …: Get the outputs corresponding to the last synchronization via syncState(...) or sync(...).

  • getCurrentState(): Get the continuous state of the FMU corresponding to the last synchronization via syncState(...) or sync(...).

Method sync(...) comes in two versions, one that sets inputs to the FMU and one that does not. In case the number of inputs for any type (fmippReal, fmippInteger, fmippBoolean, fmippString) is not defined as zero but an update without inputs is necessary (e.g., due to missing inputs) there are two possible options:

  • call method sync(fmippTime, fmippTime) which does not set any inputs to the FMU or

  • call method sync(fmippTime, fmippTime, fmippReal*, fmippInteger*, fmippBoolean*, fmippString*) with NULL pointers for the corresponding input(s).

The functionality of the following methods can be modified in order to customize the behavior by inheriting from class IncrementalFMU:

  • checkForEvent(...): This method checks for each new prediction whether an FMU-internal event has occurred. In case it returns true, no further prediction is computed. It is implemented as a virtual method, enabling the user to customize its behavior.

  • handleEvent(): This method is called in case checkForEvent(...) has returned true. It is implemented as a virtual method, which enables the user to customize its behavior.

  • initializeIntegration(...): This method initializes the integration by defining the first prediction. By default, this is the current state of the FMU. It is implemented as a virtual method, which enables the user to customize its behavior.

The default implementation of class IncrementalFMU recognizes FMU-internal events and stops the prediction at the corresponding time. This implementation uses a linear interpolation technique to estimate the state from the stored predictions. Inheriting from class IncrementalFMU makes it possible to extend this functionality by customizing checkForEvent(...), handleEvent() and initializeIntegration(...).

File testIncrementalFMU.cpp contains code examples demonstrating the proper use of class IncrementalFMU.

Class RollbackFMU

Class RollbackFMU (defined in file RollbackFMU.h) implements an easy way to reset the state of an FMU for Model Exchange to a state according to a previous time step using the methods saveCurrentStateForRollback() and releaseRollbackState().

Assume that at time t0 the method call integrate( t1 ) was issued, i.e., the integration of the associated FMU from time t0 to time t1 > t0. In case there happend no event during the integration, after the method call the internal state of the FMU corresponds to time t1. Now, in order to rollback the FMU to a state corresponding to time t2, with t0 < t2 < t1, the method call integrate( t2 ) is sufficient.

Internally, class RollbackFMU stores a rollback state. No rollbacks corresponding to a time previous to that internally stored rollback state are possible. If not otherwise instructed, the latest stored rollback state is overwritten with the current state, in case the integration endpoint is in the future. However, the method saveCurrentStateForRollback() enforces the current state to be stored as rollback state until it is explicitly released with method releaseRollbackState(). This allows to make a rollback over more than one time-consecutive integration cycle.

File testRollbackFMU.cpp contains examples demonstrating the use of class RollbackFMU.

Class FixedStepSizeFMU

Class FixedStepSizeFMU (defined in file FixedStepSizeFMU.h) eases the use of FMUs for Co-Simulation that enforce a fixed time step, i.e., FMU communication intervals with a fixed length. Its handling is very similar to class IncrementalFMU, i.e., it defines the methods defineRealInputs(...), defineRealOutputs(...), getRealOutputs(...), etc. in an analogous way. However, method sync(...) always synchronizes the internal state to the FMU state corresponding to the latest FMU communication point, i.e., it implements a zero-order hold. Methods sync(...) always returns the time of the next FMU communication point. Whenever an FMU communication point is reached, the latest inputs are handed to the FMU. This means, that multiple calls of sync between two FMU communication points with different inputs will only cause the latest input to be handed to the FMU (no queueing).

File testFixedStepSizeFMU.cpp contains code examples demonstrating the use of class FixedStepSizeFMU.

Class InterpolatingFixedStepSizeFMU

Class InterpolatingFixedStepSizeFMU works analogous to class FixedStepSizeFMU. The only difference is that real-valued outputs, i.e., those outputs defined via defineRealOutputs(...) and extracted via getRealOutputs(...), are linearly interpolated between two consecutive FMU communication points.

File testInterpolatingFixedStepSizeFMU.cpp contains code examples demonstrating the use of class InterpolatingFixedStepSizeFMU.

Cross-language wrappers

The FMI++ library provides cross-language wrappers in Java and Python for most classes of package import. Section Building and Installing provides detailed information about how to setup FMI++ to build these cross-language wrappers.