Module fmipp.extractFMU

extractFMU(fmuFilePath, outputDirPath[, command=None])

Extract an FMU to a folder.

  • fmuFilePath (str) – path to the FMU file

  • outputDirPath (str) – folder to which the FMU should be extracted

  • command (None or str) – specify the command to unzip the FMU (see info box below)


URI to folder containing the extracted FMU

Return type



By default, Python package zipfile will be used for extracting the FMU. However, the command for unzipping can also be specfied explicitely. The command should be given as a string, using tags {fmu} and {dir} as placeholders for the FMU file path and the output directory. For instance:

  • unzip: unzip {fmu} -d {dir}

  • 7-zip: "\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -o{dir} x {fmu}